Titan Security Europe’s concierge security service expanded further than its typical use to provide a top-notch and effective security service to a business in Berlin

Titan Security Europe’s concierge security service expanded further than its typical use to provide a top-notch and effective security service to a business in Berlin

The business in Germany was undergoing major construction of one of their headquarters. While construction was ongoing, there were still many people passing through the office – workers, visitors and delivery drivers – and concerns started to grow for the safety of the property.

As a result, Titan Security Europe were asked to step in to provide their security services.

Concierge Security for Business

Concierge security combines the roles of front-of-house concierge and security guard into one neat, cost-effective package. While using this for buildings undergoing construction was not the norm, given the main concerns of the client it was a viable and effective option.

The client had the following concerns:

  • Ensuring that no unauthorised persons entered into the building while construction was ongoing.
  • Ensuring that deliveries could pass into the building without security being breached.
  • Ensuring that tools and equipment used in the ongoing construction were not stolen or damaged.

Concierge security was the best option as this was a security job that would involve a lot of dealing with the public. Before now, we had only used our concierge guards on hotel, residential and up-and-running corporate receptions, so placing them on a construction site was an expansion of our normal services.

Guards were tasked with;

  • Checking the identifications of any worker entering the building.
  • Checking identifications and appointments of any visitors entering into the building.
  • Bag checks on entrance and exit of the building to ensure nothing unathorised entered or left the building.
  • Greeting delivery drivers at the entrance of the building, to take the deliveries and pass them through to the relevant persons within the construction site.

Expansion of Services

This job saw our concierge services expand beyond the norm. It is now a service we reach to for any job that involves heavily dealing with the public, including ongoing constructions such as these and events, too.

Titan Security Europe is always going above and beyond expectations. We are always looking for creative and proactive solutions to the issues our clients are facing to provide them with the best services we can.

This is just one example of how we adapt our specialist services to suit the individual needs of each client. With a free initial consultation, we identify the key security issues our clients face and find the most effective and efficient solution to them.

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